Join us for The Bronx Defenders 2014 Summer Benefit on July 15th!
SAVE THE DATE The Bronx Defenders invites you to the 2014 SUMMER BENEFIT The South Cabana at The Maritime Hotel Tuesday, July 15th | 7:00 pm | 88 Ninth Avenue, New York City (entrance is at the corner of 16th Street & Ninth Avenue) Please join us on this summer evening to enjoy cocktails and…

A Celebration of Families!
Last week we hosted our annual Celebration of Families night to honor our clients who have been reunited with their children after arduous battles in Bronx Family Court. The evening provided our clients and their families an opportunity to share their stories, connect with one another, and take a moment to celebrate their perseverance after a difficult and…

Annual Celebration of Families | June 13, 2014
On June 13, 2014, The Bronx Defenders will host our Fourth Annual Celebration of Families, honoring our clients who have reunited with their children after being separated by foster care. In the spirit of National Reunification Month, a time designated by the American Bar Association to reflect upon the innumerable value of reunifying fragmented families, the Celebration of Families is…

Join us! The Bronx Defenders and NYC Councilmember Ritchie Torres hosting a Know Your Rights event Monday, March 17

Jenay Nurse to lead breakout session at CUNY’s 3rd Annual Supporting Excellence Conference
On March 14, 2014, Jenay Nurse, Director of The Bronx Defenders Adolescent Defense Project, will facilitate a breakout session at CUNY’s 3rd Annual Supporting Excellence Conference. Jenay will lead a discussion entitled “Utilizing a Holistic Defense Model to Address the Problems Faced by Teens who are Prosecuted as Adults.” From CUNY: This year, the Supporting Excellence…

Mark Loudon-Brown to lead panel at NYSACDL Cross Examination CLE
On April 4, 2014, Criminal Defense Practice Supervisor Mark Loudon-Brown will lead a panel at the New York State Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers ‘Cross to Kill’ CLE. The panel will discuss strategies and techniques related to cross examining DNA experts at trial. From NYSACDL: The introduction of scientific and medical witnesses and evidence present…

Center for Holistic Defense 2014 Symposium
The Center for Holistic Defense 2014 Symposium May 7-9, 2014 The Center for Holistic Defense 2014 Symposium will bring together public defenders leaders and practitioners from across the country for a series of intensive workshops and discussions on holistic defense. By invite only. Questions: Contact Skylar at SkylarA@bronxdefenders.org

Screening: “The House I Live In”
Join us for a FREE screening of the award winning documentary, The House I Live In. Tuesday, December 3, 2013 at 6 PM Abundant Life Church 650 Washington Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11238 View the event flyer. Following the screening will be a panel discussion with: Assemblyman Karim Camera, District 43 Soffiyah Elijah, Executive Director, Correctional Association…

YOU’RE INVITED: Home for the Holidays
Join us on December 6, 2013 from 6-9pm at Sway Lounge for a holiday fundraiser for our clients’ families. Our goal is to raise funds to provide a wonderful holiday experience for our clients, their children and their families. For $20 donation, you can hear about our work, enjoy a few drinks, and make a…

The Bronx Defenders participated in The 7th Annual Hunts Point Hustle
This past weekend, The Bronx Defenders participated in The 7th Annual Hunts Point Hustle, a non-competitive 5K run/walk event that started at Hunts Point Riverside Park and finished at Barretto Point Park. Proceeds from the Hustle will support host organization Sustainable South Bronx’s work promoting the development and beautification of the South Bronx Greenway. The…

The Bronx Defenders Begins Screenings of “Redefining Holistic Defense: Stories of Holistic Advocacy”
The Bronx Defenders will screen its new training video, “Redefining Holistic Defense: Stories of Holistic Advocacy,” for the first time on Wednesday, September 25th at Berkeley Law. Berkeley Law Boalt Hall, Room 100 12:45 to 1:45 pm A project of The Center for Holistic Defense, “Redefining Holistic Defense,” follows the stories of four South Bronx…

Join us to watch the reading of a new play: Four Little Girls
Join us this Sunday to watch a reading of a new play: Four Little Girls Streamed LIVE from Washington, DC We invite the Bronx community to join us for a special screening of the play “Four Little Girls” in our reception space on Sunday, Sept. 15 at 5:30 PM. We are going to live-stream the reading…

The Bronx Defenders Organizing Project will be registering voters today!
Volunteer today with The Bronx Defenders Organizing Project to register voters. The deadline is this Friday to register to be able to vote in the NYC primaries on Sept. 10th. Join us to register as many Bronx residents as possible. If you’re interested and available, please join us! Email Kamaub@bronxdefenders.org or meet us at 3pm at…

Legal Outreach at The Bronx Defenders for Summer 2013 Internship
During the week of August 5-8th, 2013, four rising sophomores from Legal Outreach interned with The Bronx Defenders. The interns were: Jazmin Bramble, Merari Denis, Adenique Lisse, and Carlos Salas. Below are some of their thoughts on the week. I had a pretty amazing week at the Bronx Defenders. Going to court, meeting different lawyers,…

The Bronx Defenders will be attending career fairs in NYC, Boston and Arlington
The Bronx Defenders will be attending the following career fairs: – NEBLSA: Friday, August 16, 2013 @ New York Law School – PILC Reception: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 @ New York City Bar Association – Massachusetts Law School Consortium: Monday October 21, 2013 @ BC Law School – Equal Justice Works: Friday, October 25, 2013…

YOU’RE INVITED: The Bronx Defenders’ Community Immigration Workshop
How do I apply for citizenship? Can I apply for “deferred action” as a student? Does my criminal record affect my status? What’s going on with immigration reform? Join us for The Bronx Defenders’ Community Immigration Workshop for answers to these questions and more! This event will take place tomorrow, July 18, 2013 at The…

MUNCHED, A Disturbingly Hilarious Play – June 27th, 2013
The Bronx Defenders invites you to a very special community event in celebration of National Reunification Month, honoring families who have been involved in the child welfare system. There will be a stage! A piano! And Patricia R. Floyd from Law & Order. We encourage you to attend and bring friends, family and colleagues. We…

Annual Celebration of Families – June 21, 2013
Annual Celebration of Families is an event to celebrate families who have recently reunified or are about to be reunified. Families enjoy a meal together, play games, celebrate their successes, and go home with a framed family portrait. What we thought would be a little party turned out to be an incredibly powerful moment for…

The Bronx Defenders co-sponsors immigration information event with NY State Senator Gustavo Rivera
On June 8, 2013, Jennifer Friedman will be representing The Bronx Defenders at an immigration event hosted by New York State Senator Gustavo Rivera & The Advisory Board for the Peruvian Community in New York. Topics to be discussed include: immigration reform, immigration fraud and “Notarios,” pathways to citizenship and the NYS DREAM Act. TIME: 11:00 AM – 2:00…

South Bronx Residents, Elected Officials Demand End to Stop-and-Frisk Abuses and Discriminatory Policing
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 18, 2013 Contact: Joanna Bernstein, The Bronx Defenders, 215-603-3113 or joannab@bronxdefenders.org South Bronx Residents, Elected Officials Demand End to Stop-and-Frisk Abuses and Discriminatory Policing Senator Gustavo Rivera, City Council members Melissa Mark-Viverito and Annabel Palma, and hundreds of community members call for reforms Bronx, NY – At a Bronx town hall…

Bronx Residents Come Together for Police Reform Campaign
Contact: Kamau Butcher, The Bronx Defenders Phone: 718-838-7878 E-mail: kamaub@bronxdefenders.org Press Advisory December 3, 2012 Bronx Residents Come Together for Police Reform Campaign On Thursday, December 6th at 6pm, Bronx residents will gather at The Bronx Defenders for the launch of The Bronx Defenders Organizing Project: a movement of our clients, former clients, families, neighbors, and…

Press Advisory: Bronx Residents to Come Together To Fight Stop-and-Frisk
Bronx Residents to Come Together To Fight Stop-and-Frisk South Bronx residents will receive information about their legal rights during police encounters and learn about Communities United for Police Reform’s community education initiatives. The Town Hall will mobilize residents to monitor and document police misconduct and to pass the Community Safety Act, which would ban discriminatory…

YOU’RE INVITED: East Harlem Stand Up! A Town Hall on discriminatory policing on January 17th
East Harlem Stand Up! A Town Hall on discriminatory policing Speak Out against Stop & Frisk and discriminatory policing! Learn More about the solutions! Join your community! Thursday, January 17th, 6:30 to 8:30pm Taino Towers in the Crystal Room 240 E 123rd Street. (4/5/6 to 125th Street) Program to include: * Address by Council Member…

The Bronx Defenders’ Summer Kick Off and Happy Hour on Tuesday, June 21!
Join The Bronx Defenders’ Young Professionals Committee on Tuesday, June 21, from 7-9PM at The Wharf Bar & Grill in Manhattan for a discussion on the NYPD’s controversial Stop & Frisk policing strategy. At the Wharf, you will meet like-minded individuals, talk to Bronx Defenders staff about the real life implications of Stop & Frisk…