Sarah Knight

Sarah received her M.S.W. from the Columbia University School of Social Work in 2013, concentrating in social welfare policy.  While at Columbia, Sarah interned with the Correctional Association of New York, monitoring conditions of confinement in New York State prisons and advocating for progressive, systemic change. Sarah also interned with the Legal Aid Society Juvenile Rights Practice, collaborating with attorneys for children in child protective and delinquency cases, and at MFY Legal Services, which provides pro bono civil legal services to New York City residents. Sarah previously worked as a member of an ACT team at Pathways to Housing DC, providing outpatient mental health and housing services to people experiencing chronic homelessness in Washington, DC.  She was born and raised in Minnesota and is fluent in Spanish. She is a graduate of the University of South Carolina and holds a B.A. in Sociology.
